Thursday, January 27, 2011

Project 3

Here is my render of the Kiev gate after applying a variety of textures. For the vertical supports on the sides and the bar across the main entry, I used the built-in wood texture. For the cross at the pinnacle of the building, I used phong to give it a little shine, shaded it a bit purple and made it rather bright. 

For the other areas filled with brick and logs,  I found some material swatches at, filled a big window with those I chose and took a screenshot to use as a UV, then applied them to the objects in the image. For the front archway and the tall spires, I chose a brick design, took it into Photoshop to give it the right tone and applied it. For the second-story ramparts, I found a stacked-log swatch and toned it properly in Photoshop, then applied it to the appropriate objects.

I wanted to apply a texture to the sloping planes. When I tried to apply a texture to a face, rather than to an entire object, it didn't take.
I was surprised when I saw how the bricks mapped to the shapes I built the building from. I'll need to figure out how to straighten that stuff out.

There is still much to do, but I'll leave it at this for now and work on it more on the weekend.

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